Friday, February 5, 2010

The Vicious cycle of Expectations

After reading yesterday’s blog, my friend pointed out that we’ve become more “calculated” with love because we expect more from our relationships than people before us did. He says this is because the world expects more of us than it did from the people before us. This is the vicious cycle of expectations.

Globalization and the rapid transfer of information have made this world a very small place. The more we drive ourselves to be better educated, earn higher salaries, and multi-task additional things in our limited 24 hours, the further we come to expect the same from the people around us.

In this way, has jewelry become a reflection of who we are striving to become? Do we demand more perfect looking jewelry because we are reflecting our need to be more perfect? Market research would tend to show this trend.

What is your expectation from your jewelry? Did you ever think that you desire more “perfect” stone/jewelry because of the high expectations the world has from you?

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