Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Valentines Day and Jewelry

The annual holiday marking the unnecessary excess use of the color pink on storefronts and street corners, Valentines Day. Hallmark, Godiva, restaurants, jewelry stores, and Victoria’s Secret market this arbitrary date as the day to tell someone you love them. Why do we have to wait until February 14 every year to express our feelings? And if we didn’t wait until this day, then does it matter if we didn’t say it today? The two things this day achieves is 1) to make single people realize how much the cosmos is laughing at them for being single and 2) send couples spending on a shopping spree looking for a material way to express their unconditional love. How ironic. Yes, I am currently single.

Unfortunately, Valentines day has become one of those days like Christmas when even if you’re not Christian you still sing carols. So if you have a significant other, succumb to Valentine’s Day. Trust me it’s not worth fighting the corporate moguls that protect this day dearly. And if you're single, either find a date or stay home not watching TV.

As far as gifts are concerned, jewelry is the most expensive appropriate gift for this holiday. Men dig deep into their pockets buying diamond earrings, pendants, rings, and watches. Rubies, Hearts, and brilliant diamonds are the winners in this arena. If it wasn’t for this holiday would we really buy heart shaped jewelry for someone over the age of 21? It’s hard for men to figure out what jewelry to buy and hence they end up gravitating towards the stereotypical hearts.

Men I feel your pain. Tomorrow I will tell you what jewelry gifts you can buy, where to get them, and how to save some money while being duped by St. Valentine’s Day.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your thoughts that the Valentine's day has become a money making marketing scheme for these big companies who are only thinking of their bottom lines.
    And it's true that the places all over the world become flooded with Pink and red and everything Heart shaped.
    Also it would be refreshing to see a few suggestions on gifts which are not stereotypical!!!
