Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The high cost of trade shows during economic recessions

The GJX trade show just ended on February 7th in Tuscan, Arizona. My friends just emailed me today that there was a good amount of traffic of people this year. This was the first time in 13 years that I did not participate in the show. Last year there was a petition passed around amongst the show exhibitors to request for a temporary reduction in the booth expense due to the economic recession. After gathering a large number of exhibitors, we had a meeting with the show organizers. I was the only female present at the meeting. I voiced my opinion that other shows like the Bangkok Gems and Jewelry show had also offered a temporary 20% reduced in the booth price due to the current economic condition. We all had a very bad year at the show.

To make the long story short, we did not get a price reduction. I wasn’t feeling the necessity of attending the show the following year since the number of people looking to purchase rough stones in Tuscan has reduced over the years. The business has shifted predominately to Asia: Thailand, China and India. We did the show mostly to advertise and meet new potential clients. I just wasn’t feeling the need to lug kilos of the inventory around the world to advertise in an upcoming frail year.

When I did participate in the show I use to joke around with the other exhibitors that only 2 people make money at trade shows: 1) the food/coffee stalls and 2) the show organizers. Every year it’s getting more and more expensive to participate in these shows. Our two booths at GJX would end up costing us $15,000 with a very minimal set up. You also have to dedicate 2 weeks of your time for the 6 day show and about 1-2 weeks of preparation before the show. People don’t realize how much time and effort goes into each of these trade shows. A weak economic year ruins all the hard work you put into preparing for the show, but we live for the good years.

1 comment:

  1. Very true. I was the Marketing and Sales Director for a jewelry manufacturer and we did most of the Trade Shows- JCK, NY JA, Atlanta, etc. It was a small fortune to set-up your booth(s) and the man hours are intense.
