Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Valentines Day and Jewelry, (part 2)

Dear Men,

Do you get nervous walking by the jewelry counters at a department store? Is it easier to buy online without the intimidation of not knowing what you’re buying and wondering if you can afford it? Jewelry can be a stressful article to purchase, but it’s something many men will grow into getting better at. Take the time to educate yourself; a man who knows about jewelry is a turn on for many women.

So what is the appropriate jewelry gift for the special woman in your life? There are 3 main things to consider: 1) your budget 2) your relationship status and 3) your girl’s age. Firstly, have a clear idea of how much you’re willing to spend for St. Valentines’ Day. It’s a fact that like most luxury products, there is no limit to how much you can spend, so set your limits first. It doesn’t have to be an exact price like $199, but something like $100-150. This will make it easier to search and finalize an item. Your income also comes into play here. Obviously, the more you make the more you can spend. If you got a large bonus this December, try to shower your girl with a special gift. It shows that you’re willing to share your life’s success with her. However, if you’re tight on your cash, don’t be afraid to get a smaller gift.

Secondly, it’s important how long you’ve known your girl: if you’re dating, engaged, married, or just friends. If you’re expecting or planning for a baby, it might be wise to spend less. If you’ve just met this girl, you might want to spend less to avoid an awkward silence of- “No, you shouldn’t have” as she hands you a gift card. Men generally spend more on a girl when they realize that they want to marry them or after years of being married. The worst thing you can do is get a diamond ring for a girlfriend who either wants an engagement ring or thinks it too soon for you to give such a gift. My suggestion to avoid all diamond rings until you are engaged. Pendants, earrings, bracelets are better gifts.

Finally, the gift you get depends on the age of the female. Generally, the younger the girl the less jewelry savvy she will be. At a ripe age of 21 she might enjoy a simple silver pendant; at the age of 32 she might want diamond studs; and at the age of 48 she might expect a rare Alexandrite stone ring.

A quick trick to save some money is not to celebrate Valentines’ day on February 14. Fix a date with your girl after the 14, maybe the 15 or 16. This will make it easier to get a table at a restaurant, candies will be at 50% off at the local drug stores, and all the heart jewelry will be out of the showcases. Fight back and outsmart the corporate moguls. If you’re short on time or intimidated by the jewelry sales persons, shop on-line. has some great jewelry at wholesale prices. Shopping on Carat Exchange will allow you to quickly refine your search for your budget. Plus you’ll get to compare jewelry from various verified vendors all under one roof. The best part is if your girl doesn’t like the jewelry piece you picked out, you can always return back in 30 days for store credit! Attached are some pictures of jewelry you can purchase from $85- $3,650 (available on

Remember at the end of the day, it’s all about the thought be it big or small. Jewelry is all about the packaging and delivery. No matter what you spend on the item, find a beautiful box for it, write a nice card, look into her eyes….give it to her….wait for her to open it….and then help her put it on. Priceless.

-Misha Gupta.

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